Can you believe that the 560 year run of ink on paper books is drawing to a close?
I love my Kindle, and I won't buy a book that is not on the Kindle. I am so over paper.
I wish Kindle would enable better magazine reading. I think the local newspaper, The Detroit Free Press, is pretty good on the Kindle, but I am not happy with Atlantic Magazine on the Kindle since there are no graphics. I keep finding free Atlantic articles on line that are more interesting than my paid Kindle subscription. The iPad version of Atlantic costs $5.99/copy, and hell if I am going to pay that when I can pay $1.99/copy for a paper subscription.
The truth is that I really want a new Nook Color. It does pictures much better -- that is not needed for books, but what is a magazine without graphics?
BUT DAD!!!! The green people (those environmentalists) say that if you dont read 40+ books per year then its not worth it to get a digital reader because of the manufacturing and disposal!