Thursday, April 16, 2009

Apple Tech Service Delivers a New Ipod Shuffle - And It Works

My iPod Shuffle, Generation 3 is back, or more correctly I have a new one back from Apple Service. I would rather not have had a broken iPod, but the whole experience was about as good as it could have been.

Below I posted about how my new Generation 3 iPod Shuffle, was broken, because the volume would not go down.

I called Apple, and I talked to human person. He took me through rebooting the iPod (like I had done twice already) and then when he convinced himself that I really had a broken iPod, he offered me a new one.

I had to send the old one back first. They emailed me FedEx shipping documents, and when they got the old one, they shipped the new one.

This fellow named Chris Peters, which is probably not his real name, called me to see if I was OK, and then followed up by phone and by email. They really over communicated, which I found comforting and then a bit annoying. I think it was good for them to over-communicate to say that they were sorry for my affliction.

Anyway, the iPod is back, and I can take to exercising with my little shuffle instead of my somewhat larger iPod touch. I am still not used to the talking menus, but there are some tricks to use to navigate it better. Like putting your favorite playlists early in alphabetical order.


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