Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Open Enrollment" for Healthcare

Like many people I need to sign up for 2013 healthcare now. I have three plans available to me, and I worked out the differences graphically as shown above. I thought a graph would make it easier to understand which plan to get.

For the three plans, an HMO, a PPO and a high deductable plan, the cost for a catastrophic event is about the same. The difference is in the upfront expense versus the benefits for low utilization rates.

I wish I knew what the effect of Obamacare on these benefits were, but I don't know.
My internet research showed that older people and young children need the most healthcare according to a HSA study.

In regard to which plan to get, I think the less insurance you can get away with the better. The high deductible plan has worked well for me every year except two.  That is most years I save money on the high deductible plan.

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