Monday, August 30, 2010

Old Furniture is Like on Old Friend; Or Not.

This dresser was old when we got it. 
My wife and I have been married 30 years, and we bought some cheap, used furniture in the early days. The two dressers were brown with old varnish, and we probably anesthetized nerve cells as imperfectly refinished it. Of course the two dressers did not match -- really not at all.  Jenny's dresser might qualify as antique, but mine is just old.

Our first two apartments were pretty basic. We had fabric-covered boxes for tables, and cheap rugs handing from the ceiling as room dividers.  My wife and I ate on a card table for two years.

Anyway, for my birthday (yesterday) we bought some new furniture, and when it arrives I will retire this old dresser.

My dresser drawers don't move well, and every couple months, I need to remove sawdust from my clothes because the drawers are grinding themselves to powder as they open and close. I'd bet most people don't have to do that.

The new  nightstand
(Contour Nightstand by Shermag of Toronto)

New furniture can't have as much soul as the old furniture -- especially since we have so much history with it.

Sometimes I think that I never liked this old dresser and Good-Bye! Afterall sawdust on your jeans is not that charming.


  1. "Afterall sawdust on your jeans is not that charming."

    Unless you're Norm Abram!

  2. Hello,
    Thanks for sharing ,according to me it's true that the new furniture can't have as much soul as the old furniture,it's also typical for people to forget more things as they grow older.

    Sliding wardrobe doors


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