Thursday, November 5, 2009

Creepy Artificial Skin - Not Quite in Time for Halloween

Intercytex is a biotech company best known for the nobel effort to help bald men regrow hair -- hard for me to be against that.

They have branched out into the creepy trade of growing skin.  They are growing little bowls of skin that are later stitched onto burn victims.

The fake skin is more basic than regular skin, it only has two layers, and is grown from a skin cell concentrate spread over a matrix of non-woven fabric.

In contrast, the hair growth treatment involves injecting the patient's scalp with new hair follicle cells.

Despite their new fake skin, the company has hit hard times, and had to lay off workers earlier this year.

One would think with all the popularity of zombies, the market for fresh skin would be booming.


  1. How is this creepy? People definitely need skin sometimes and if it helps make them look more normal, then its a really good thing. Usually I think they take skin off your own leg and put it on your face, I think this is less creepy than that. Burn victims are really traumatized, you know.

  2. You don't think that a little cup of human skin is creepy?

    It might be useful and humane, but it is a little like Frankenstein too.

  3. Well isnt the point of biomedical engineering to create Frankenstein parts because alive people don't want to give up theirs to people that are missing things? I think growing meat in petri dishes for consumption is creepier and you've talked about that before like you have no problem with it.


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