Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is a Fair Price for Cable TV?

I don't watch that much TV. Usually I watch for an hour before bed.

I have digital cable from Comcast with an HD Comcast DVR. We are getting it for $72/month or $2.40/day.

My cable bill is more than my electric bill, my water bill or my heating bill. What is more valuable TV or electricity?

Cable TV seems like it costs more money that it is worth. I like watching Burn Notice, but paying $2.40 per episode for the right to do that seems high. I have been thinking of other video providers.

In our area, I can get ATT U-Verse. I dug through the different rates, and it is very similar in price to Comcast --for similar service, and when the temporary discounts end. It is about $70/month. Direct TV seems a little cheaper, if we got the dish, I think it would be $10/month less.

There is a big price upcharge to move from standard analog cable to HD DVR service. I am not paying for all the TV I watch, since I don't watch that much, but I am paying for the right to watch it in HD when I do watch.

The intriguing option is to pull down some FREE HDTV from the local TV stations. Living in a close-in suburb, our reception is pretty good. Unfortunately, our Comcast DVR does not record broadcast TV, naturally, why would it?

A step forward is a Tivo, which is just a DVR really. With a Tivo, I can start recording some free broadcast TV, download some programming from Amazon, iTunes or maybe Hulu. I could download Burn Noticefor $1.99.

Leave a comment on the kind of TV you have, and whether I should get a Tivo!


  1. I think you are on the right track.

    The best alternative to cable TV is to watch broadcast TV some, and supplement with digital downloads at $2.99 from Amazon or iTunes. You can old movies pretty cheap from Netflix too.

    I think I am going to get a Tivo or a Roku.

  2. has tons of stuff, you can hook up your computer to your tv. Honestly, is any tv program that important? The last time I watched tv was in Costa Rica, when we watched hispanic music videos and a cartoon in Spanish at one of the hotels.

  3. There are still many of them who do not know what exactly a satellite TV is and how it can change your television viewing habits. It is wireless system that delivers television programming directly to the viewers’ house or business. It consists of a dish antenna which is about 18 to 24 inches in diameter that is perched on your terrace or roof top. It takes very less space than those cable wires that dangle around your house. Television and satellite stations transmit programming via radio signal.

  4. Don't know what this last comment was saying. I looked into DirectTV, and it does not save that much money. The HD DirectTV is not that cheap.

    I might try it with a Tivo, so I could get free local HD.


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