Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 Garden

Looking forward to Spring is one of the best parts of Winter.

The garden for 2009 is planned out. Of course, does the real garden ever look like the plan?

My flower garden in Michigan is far smaller than the ones in Wisconsin or Minnesota. It is a lot of work, and the previous owner left me flowerbeds where no one can see them. I need to see the flowers every day if I am going to maintain enthusiasm for it. Anyway. Flowers are going to be Impatiens and Profusion Zinnias --yes just two varieties. I need to order seeds today. I know that I could buy Impatiens as nice as I could grow, but it is still fun to grow them. I think my north flower border is too sunny for impatiens, so its Profusions this year.

I really wanted to replace the impatiens totally with some perennial groundcover this year, but my wife has a right-brain attachment to flowers lining each side of the walk. This would be OK if she wanted to help grow it.

In the vegetable garden the big story is the strawberries, which are now in their third year are thriving and taking up more space. I will enlarge the garden going north to make a little more room. I have big hopes for the strawberry crop this year.

There are five tomatoes:

Sun Sugar - about the sweetest and tastiest cherry tomato you could want.

Yellow Pear - never grew it before, but it had good reviews

Black Cherry - Which is a trendy purply cherry tomato. Jenny got some at Whole Foods. Maybe these seeds will taste the same.

Burpee Supersteak Hybrid - against my better judgement, beefsteak tomatoes seem prone to disease and slow ripening. Still the one or two that you get are nice.

Burpee Best Boy - A nice looking tomato, but it is determinant -- meaning that all the tomatoes ripen at the same time. Why would a home gardener want that?

Calliope Hybrid Eggplant - I have been eating more eggplant, and this was a nice variety from last year.

Another favorite is my Pineapple Tomatillo. These cherry size tomatillos are sweeter than standard ones and have a fruity taste. They are about the messiest vegetable ever, and the squirrels got well over half of them last year. I'll take a better picture of them too --the photos online are not so good.

Pimento is back this year after a decade on hiatus. I am tired of growing hot peppers that are too hot to eat. Pimento is nice and fleshy and not hot at all. I also get a better yield of red fruit than bell peppers. I don't like bell peppers anyway. Last year's Italian peppers were failures.

There are also cucumbers, spinach, arugala, zucchini.

Green peas are on the bubble. They take up lots of space, and the rabbits love them. If it were possible to buy fresh peas, I would never grow them. Maybe just a few plants.

Gone this year are the true peppers, basil (I never really liked pesto), kale (Did I eat it once last year?)  I am hoping to get Jenny to do the potted flowers on the deck. I have lost interest in those.

In the fall, I expected a much smaller garden, but then I get over-enthusiastic every Spring.


See the update post on how this garden turned out. 

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