Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pinot Grigio Update

Today I rechecked the Pinot Grigio juice density, and found it had dropped to 1.074. I think that the juice warmed up, and also some wild yeast fermentation. 

I decided to add some sugar. After a great deal of thought I bought some apple juice concentrate. I added two 12 ounce cans of Old Orchard frozen juice concentrate. The secret is that I used Apple-Cranberry and Apple-Cherry instead. Not very traditional or legal for a real wine maker. All juice though. I also added 100 grams of sugar. This should get me 10-12% of alcohol. 

1 comment:

  1. You hear about the lambics, where they expose their.. wine? Not sure what lambic is, but after the first fermentation, they open it up and let it undergo more fermentation by wild yeasts. At least, thats the story.


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