Sunday, August 17, 2008

Heavy Lifting Delivers Faster Comcast Service

Our internet is working again after a multi-week battle with Comcast. Our cable TV worked the whole time, but the upload portion of the internet service was barely working. That means we lost about 40% of outgoing packets on a Ping test. Speeds were fast and slow, but the packet loss on uploads meant the internet did not work well. I run a Mac, and if you do too, then use Network Utility in the Utility Folder. 

I talked to the Comcast people three times, but they took me seriously when I had some speed test results. (I like CNET and SpeedTest.Net (Columbus, OH.)) I had the Comcast field tech out twice and he replaced every cable wire in the house. After talking to his boss twice, they agreed the problem was elsewhere. The following Monday I got a call saying that yes, others in my neighborhood were also having slow service, and then suddenly it was faster. I don't know if it was a problem with a buried cable or a problem with a Comcast Server. 

The Comcast people were all friendly, although not always helpful. 

We are now up to 23,000-24,000 kbps upload and 2100-2200 kbps download, which is somewhat faster than the service we are signed up for. 

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